Women of Faith

Women of Faith

Friday, April 29, 2016

Balancing your Life as a Christian Woman

By: Patrice Martin

Take out a sheet of paper and a pencil or pen.  Write down every role you play in your life and the lives of others. Try not to focus on what you do, but who you are.  For example, you are a Christian, you are a woman, and you may even be someone’s sister. One of the most common complaints of us women is that there aren’t enough hours in the day to accomplish everything we have planned. After a tiresome day of navigating through the world to attend to the needs and demands of society, we now have to come home and attend to the needs of our families. Most often, we put our needs and desires last, leaving little to no energy left for our spiritual lives.

In the gospel of John 10:10, Jesus said that He came that we may have life and life more abundantly.  This means plentifully and to its fullest extent.  With all that we give ourselves to, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and over-extended at the end of the day; and we often neglect to get the physical, mental, or spiritual replenishment we need. The cares of life can be numerous for us all; but they are possible to face when you first attend to yourself and your spirituality. 

A daily devotional life consisting of prayer, worship and scriptural meditation centers you, calms you, and opens you up to receive the peace of God and release the stress of the practical life. Refer back to those roles you listed on your paper and imagine how your spiritual connection with Jesus could impact them.  Furthermore, imagine the positive impact it could have in the lives and situations of those people you engage with most. Having and maintaining a balanced life doesn’t come easy, but it begins little by little.   Beginning today start, nurturing your connection with Christ through those daily spiritual practices and you’ll be well on your way to a well-balanced and abundant life as a Godly woman.


By: Patrice Martin

             Fear. Hurt. Anger. Brokenness.  These are but a few of the many emotions that you have experienced repeatedly throughout your life.  When you lived as a woman who was not filled with the Spirit of God, you experienced these emotions.  After you became filled with God’s spirit through the salvation of Christ, you continued to experience these emotions.

            Emotions are responses things that take place outside of you.  They grab your attention through your senses (taste, touch, hearing, sight, and smell), embed themselves in your consciousness and cause you to respond with some form of action.  Most of the time these actions lead to confusion, isolation, instability and many other things that have the potential to subtly tear away at the quality of your life.  It’s so subtle that years can go by without you even realizing how your relationships have become strained or how your level of confidence has decreased.

           This world you live in will not stop trying to capture your attention.  It will keep trying to rekindle a past relationship with your mind and heart. As a woman of God you have been rescued from your old way of thinking and living and have been made free to function in a whole new way.  This is because you are filled with the truth and knowledge of God, and have the mind of Christ (I Corinthians 2:16).  Now you are empowered to see those external distractions and not be led by them.  You belong to God now (Romans 8:14).  Your mind and heart are in His hands.  You are Spirit-filled with truth.  He who lives in you will only tell and show you things that are true (John 16:13). 

          These things have come to be because you made the choice to follow Jesus.  The emotional struggles we experience are mostly because we fail to make that same choice—with each and every new day.  Being led by God is done through obedience to His word and trusting Him beyond what is pulling at us from without.  We are human beings fearfully and wonderfully made; but most importantly, we are spirit-filled beings now able to be led by the Holy Spirit. 

          The next time you experience an emotional response to something, ask yourself, “What could my response to this lead me to?”  Will you be led by your emotions, which yield uncertain results every time, or will you be led by the God who will consistently lead you in a life of peace, spiritual success, and growth?